Art Gallery

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dark Tattoo Concept

Tattoo Concept
A late night submission for all y'all. I was inspired to do a tattoo design from my character, and this was the result. This isn't normal mind you, but a "tainted," fiendish version that came up when she was bitten by that queen I mentioned earlier, FierceGale. Its rather stylized, so don't go off of what she looks like here.

I've always loved storms, and Topaz is the very embodiment of that. I wanted to show that here, using a mix of my style of tribal and Celtic designs. The spines on her wings and crest are reminiscent of lightning and the feathers on her ankles and tail are like wisps of cloud. The Celtic spirals symbolize wind and the center of both are the center of hurricanes.

So yeah, something I whipped up in about 20 or 30 minutes. The inking isn't the best, but I was on such a roll to just get it down on paper I don't care too much. Gonna come back to this one...

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